About Us



Have a high commitment to the development of the country as facilitators of logistics operations, applying customs regulations and international trade for the satisfaction of our clients.


To be a leading company in the logistics market through a responsible and committed team work to create loyalty on our customers.

Why work with us?

GM logistics was born from the desire to continue the legacy of my family's generation in the customs logistics field in our country. Starting with the first branch in Puerto Cortes, Honduras.​ We have a dynamic, capable and qualified work team. We provide a personalized attention complying effectively with the established timelines according to our client’s necessities and demands. Member of FENADUANAH

Customer Service

Respect and concern towards​ the requirements of our customers.​


Business performance in accordance with the laws and​ ethical principles.​


Fundamental performance in the area of customs management​.


We achieve our goals by reducing time​ of action and increasing the effectiveness of the results.​ The most important thing is TIME.


Promote excellence in all the services we provide.​
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